Hey there, Its Ciara Haynes

I'm so glad you're here.

meet the photographer

Through Ciara's Eyes



First off , I Love the Lord. I have a passion for photography! Iv'e always loved the feeling of holding a camera clicking the button and freezing the moment to last a lifetime. I adore babies and hope to have kids of my own one day. Work on pursuing one of my other dreams of a Doula! Last but not least nature, Nature is one of of the many beautiful things this world has to offer. I love waking up to the sounds of birds chirping, the wind swaying. and, gorgeous sunrises.


I have a Mom, Dad, Stepdad, Nanna, an older Sister and a younger Sister, brother-in-law, as well as two older Step Brothers. Three dogs; Gideon, Coco and Luna. A bunch of cats. Two roosters and two goats. oh, and two baby goats! Last but not least.. My loving boyfriend. Fun fact is, my dad's side of the family comes from England. He used to have a British accent, but he has lived in Rutherford county so long it has faded away.